Search Results for: period house
Does Your House Look Like a Daycare? Tackling Toy Storage!
Okay moms, other than what every women would like – more time in the day – what else do we need and want more than anything? MORE SPACE!
My Husband Makes Me Feel Like I Have Two Babies In The House
They slam the door when baby is asleep. They ask whats wrong when the crying doesnt stop, as though you know but just dont want to do anything about it. They change a diaper and ask you from the other room to get the wipes – which are right next to them.
How to Talk to Your Daughter About Periods
I am a blogger who is also one of the health experts on, so I answer questions from hundreds of girls who write to us every month. It has been an eye opening experience that has helped me understand the concerns that many teen girls have today. One of the things that I have learned from the questions asked, is that teens would rather ask a stranger a personal question about their life or health than their mother. What can be done to make the dialogue more open between teens and their mothers?
All Your Private Questions About Periods Answered
When women learn that I once was an L&D (Labor & Delivery) nurse and am currently a womens health expert for Always and Tampax, they feel comfortable asking me questions about some of the more private aspects of their reproductive health.
You Told Dad That I Got My Period?!
My Lover and I were talking the other day about his twelve-year-old son having his first girlfriend. And I realized Im not sure I can remember what girlfriend and boyfriend meant in seventh grade.