1 min read

Bedbugs are Here to Stay for a While

According to a recent National Pest Management Association survey, 95% of companies in the pest control industry said they’ve encountered a bedbug infestation in the last year. in 2000, only 25% of respondents could say the same. Yikes! At the Environmental Protection Agency’s second conference on the issue on Tuesday, Jonathan Wild, a housing official from Portland warned that we are “never going to get rid of bedbugs in our lifetime.” Why so dramatic?

3 mins read

How To Teach Your Children Good Financial Sense

Teaching kids sound financial habits at an early age gives all kids the opportunity to be successful when they are an adult. Warren Buffett April is Financial Literacy Month. Its also tax month and money is on the mind for most of us, for better or worse. Whether how to spend it or how to save it, money is in all of our lives, a connective tissue that directly affects our quality of life …

6 mins read

Daughters In Danger

I have two teenage daughters. I was a teenage girl myself once. So anorexia is not a foreign concept to me.Especially because the summer before I went to Harvard, I lost 40 pounds myself. I spent my freshman year gaining the weight back, which was hard enough (think 1,600 classmates watching you change a pants size every month). But the really steep climb to mental health was admitting I had almost killed myself …

3 mins read

Dandelion Tea for Weight Loss

Many gardeners loathe dandelions because they are some of the most notorious weeds around. However, dandelions are not just garden pests, they have medicinal and health benefits, too. Widely used as a salad green, the dandelion has roots, leaves and flowers that are an effective diuretic and liver tonic. In addition, drinking dandelion tea can aid in losing weight.

8 mins read

Blow Your Nose, Sit Up Straight, and Say Thank You!

So here I am in Paris having breakfast with my dearest friend Vanina and her husband, along with their adorable two-and-a-half-year-old boy Laurent. Great food, great place, great friends. We dive into conversation. All would be fine and dandy and pretty close to blissful, if it werent for these darned obsessive interruptions from my beloved friend and her husband constantly requesting little Laurent to, Say hello, Give a kiss, Give a hug, Say please, Say thank you, Say bye-bye, Give a bigger kiss.