5 mins read

Top Five Types of Sex Had by Couples with a New Baby

I've noticed a particular deficit in documenting the varieties of sex that are most popular in the large, fatigued population of parents with small kids, which is where this post comes in. This is not an exhausted (I mean exhaustive!  Gee, where did that word come from?) list, but it reflects the majority of the categories…

3 mins read

Popular Teen Hairstyles

As your kid turns into a teen, you will likely find that the child who was once content to run about with her hair in shambles will suddenly want each strand in place before she heads to school each day. As your teen develops this new interest, you can play a part in helping her select and maintain her look by exploring the world of teen hairstyles, and considering which ‘do might be best for your image-conscious teenager.

3 mins read

Women’s Popular Hair Styles

Always select a hairstyle that will complement your facial features for a more flattering result. Fortunately, there are popular hairstyles for every length of hair. Popular hairstyles may not be all brand-new. They still look as good now–with their updated revisions–as they did when they first made their appearance. With the many options of popular hairstyles available for you to choose from, select one that will look good on you.

2 mins read

Types of Birth Control Pills for Women Through 40

Birth control pills are one of the most popular contraceptive choices for women of all ages; however, the risks of oral contraceptives do increase somewhat after 35. Choosing the right pill can help to reduce those risks, as can lifestyle changes. Women through age 40 may even find that oral contraceptives reduce the discomforts and inconvenience of perimenopause.

2 mins read

Types of Birth Control Pills & Their Hormone Doses

Birth control pills are easy to use, effective and generally well tolerated. Finding the right pill for your body can be a challenge. Different brands of pills have different hormone doses, and a few even use different types of hormones. One pill may cause unpleasant side effects for you, while another works quite well. Do your research if you are planning to start taking oral contraceptives or are ready to change to a different pill.