2 mins read

How Does Composting Work?

Composting at your home allows you to recycle your own waste while providing nutrition for your garden. You can compost almost anywhere, although some areas have laws regulating it, such as requiring a closed container to contain smells. Creating a compost pile is easy to do, and maintenance doesn’t require much of your time.

2 mins read

Composting in an Apartment

Options for green living in an apartment are limited because you don’t control many aspects of the building or how it is run. Gardening and composting are a possibility, even if you’re stuck on the top floor of a large apartment building. While an outdoor compost heap is usually large, an apartment version naturally needs to be more compact without any smelly odors to drive your neighbors mad. Small compost containers, called kitchen or countertop compost containers, fit an apartment environment well.

2 mins read

Home Composting Methods

Composting turns certain waste products into a nutrient-rich material that you can then use in your garden. Large compost piles in the backyard might come to mind, but you can compost even if you have no outdoor space for a compost bin. No matter what the scale of your compost method, your efforts reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfill.

2 mins read

How to Make Your Own Composting Bin

Cut down on the amount of stuff you throw in the garbage and do something healthy for your garden by starting your own compost bin. Making your own composting bin takes very little effort. All you need is a plastic bin or trash can, a drill and material such as vegetable scraps and dried leaves to compost. Organic matter will break down and provide you with compost for your garden as long as you keep the contents of the bin balanced.

2 mins read

Materials for Composting

Composting your organic waste allows you to create nutrient-dense food for your garden. Creating a compost pile requires only a small amount of space and a few materials to get started. Once it’s up and running, you simple need to keep feeding the pile so that you can have a steady stream of compost for your garden.