Search Results for: prescribed
Misogyny in Healthcare (& Beyond) Hurts Us All
Misogyny in healthcare is a real problem. But it doesn’t stop there.
A Matter of Life: Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Motherhood can be a dream. Nothing compares to welcoming your own children into the world, to watching them take their first steps, to hearing their first words, to seeing them make friends, go to school, graduate, begin their careers, start families of their own... Motherhood can also be a nightmare. Nothing is more agonizing than…
Can I Get Pregnant While Not Ovulating?
All the baby books tell you to have sex when you’re ovulating. That’s the basis of conception. One sperm fertilizing one egg means you’re parents. Following that logic, it makes sense that if you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. That logic, however, fails to take into account the longevity of sperm and the sometimes fickle nature of a woman’s reproductive cycle.
How to Stop Bleeding During Pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy sends off alarm bells, because it can be a warning sign that you’re having a miscarriage. While you’re right to be high alert, bleeding doesn’t necessarily mean anything’s wrong with your pregnancy. As many as 20 to 30 percent of pregnant women experience bleeding, according to the American Pregnancy Association, and of those women, only one-half have miscarriages. You can’t necessarily stop pregnancy bleeding, but there are some things you can do to help prevent it and to avoid making it worse.
Strep Throat and Swollen Glands
Strep throat is a common concern among parents with school-aged children.