2 mins read

Carpet Cleaning Guide

To keep the carpet in your home looking good, lasting long and remaining hygienic, you have to clean it regularly. If you have an active house with kids and pets, you probably find yourself fighting an uphill battle trying to keep your carpets clean. After you check with your carpet’s manufacturer for any particular cleaning instructions, you can compare the different carpet cleaning methods to determine which is right for your carpet.

2 mins read

How Long Can You Refrigerate Fresh Lemon Juice?

The sharp, bright, acidic flavor of freshly squeezed lemon juice is ideal for any number of summertime recipes. Even the scent that this juice carries recalls the carefree days of a childhood filled with lemonade, cakes, and cookies. If you love lemons and want to keep a steady supply of fresh juice on hand, you…

2 mins read

Warning Signs During Late Pregnancy

As your body nears the end of your pregnancy, your mind will turn to the practical matters that need to be completed before your baby makes her arrival into your family. Preparing the nursery, the nesting instinct of cleaning your home and making lists of things to do and people to contact when your labor begins all help take your mind off the changes in your body and perhaps the discomfort that comes with carrying a near-term baby. While you make your necessary plans, it’s important to keep in mind a few warning signs that may occur during late pregnancy.