Search Results for: prevent throwing
Tips to Help You Make Your Fitness Resolution a Reality
Who doesnt want to look tighter, leaner and stronger? We certainly do, and if youre anything like our friends, our clients, or most people we know, you probably do too! Thats why its no surprise that the majority of us start out the New Year with the resolution to step up our exercise routines so that we can look better and be healthier.
Top 5 Chores Best Completed Right Away
Chores. Nobody really cares for them, but everyone has to do them. Indeed, chores are ongoing responsibilities that can pile up very quickly if we’re not careful, and often leave us in inconvenient situations when not completed. Because we don’t look forward to doing chores anyway, the tension mounts and procrastination only gets worse as…
How to Deal With a Strong-Willed Child
If you feel as though you are constantly battling for control of your child, there’s a good chance that you have a strong-willed child. On one hand, you appreciate this strong personality, because you know it signals future success. On the other hand, it’s frustrating when you’re trying to get out the door, and your child refuses to put on his pants. Through channeling this stubbornness, you can deal more easily with your child and prevent fights from occurring.
Birthday Party Politics
Kiddo birthday parties are a landmine. Throwing a kid’s birthday party is high-risk behavior in the department of offending or excluding people. Clearly, no one intends to exclude kids from birthday party fun, but unless your party planning involves inviting every cousin, classmate and neighbor, there is no way around it.
Five Short Years
A few weeks ago, my three kids went back to school. Two of my kids celebrated by throwing parties for their classes. Two, thank God, not three.