Search Results for: proactive approach
How to Get Over Knowing You’re Not Pregnant
Few things in life are more upsetting than seeing an endless series of negative pregnancy tests when you want a family more than anything. Knowing you’re not pregnant, especially if you sincerely believed you were, can be a difficult obstacle to get past. Each woman deals with conception problems in different ways, but a proactive approach that allows for plenty of time to process and deal with your feelings without dwelling on them will help you get past this rough patch.
How to Get Out of a Bad Mood Quick!
Life is full of ups and downs, and the craziness of it all can easily put you in a funk at times. Most people assume their bad mood is directly correlated to whatever situation just happened to them. Let’s say, for example, that your significant other unloads the dishwasher and you yell at them for unloading it wrong. It is likely that your anger has nothing to do with the actual dishes, but an underlying issue that you are struggling with. Maybe you are really upset that your best friend said something hurtful and this is the easiest way to vent. Instead of becoming very upset in the moment, stop to process what is really going on. Take the time to really figure out what you’re upset about, even if it means peeling away several layers — you will get to the root of the issue and resolve it much better and faster.
Simple tips to zap a bad mood
Life is full of ups and downs, and the craziness of it all can easily put you in a funk at times. Most people assume their bad mood is directly correlated to whatever situation just happened to them. Let’s say for example that your significant other unloads the dishwasher and you yell at them for unloading it wrong. It is most likely that your anger has nothing to do with the actual dishes, but something underlying that you are struggling with.
Child Behavior & Discipline
Your approach to disciplining your child may be as special as you are, or you may prefer to follow the textbook recommendations for discipline. Whatever method you follow, your goal is to have your child grow into a productive member of society. When considering discipline, remember that the process should not only entail punishments. It’s also about setting rules, expectations and recognizing good behavior, as well.
10 Summer Activities to Supercharge Your College Application Before Sophomore Year!
Congratulations on finishing your freshman year! As you move into your sophomore year of high school, here are 10 important steps you can take during the summer to enhance your college application: 1. Assess Your Interests and Goals: Start by reflecting on your academic interests and career aspirations. Identify areas you are passionate about and…