20 mins read

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are here, and so is the joy (and sometimes the stress!) of finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. At Modern Mom, we’ve curated the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide to make your shopping easier and more fun.

8 mins read

A Matter of Life: Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Motherhood can be a dream. Nothing compares to welcoming your own children into the world, to watching them take their first steps, to hearing their first words, to seeing them make friends, go to school, graduate, begin their careers, start families of their own... Motherhood can also be a nightmare. Nothing is more agonizing than…

4 mins read

We Don’t Want Pre-Pandemic Motherhood Back

It’s too much. Mothers everywhere are feeling desperate for relief...from the chaos of never getting a break from their kids; from the insanity of working from home with their playmate-deprived children underfoot and needing a teacher; from the stress of uncertainty, the stress of job insecurity, and the stress of parenting with partners who kind…

5 mins read

Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…