Search Results for: professional designer
Honor Mom on Sunday… and on Mother’s Monday Get Her What She Really Needs: Childcare and Workplace Improvements
The Inaugural Mother’s Monday officially kicks off May 11! Celebrated on the day after the traditional Mother’s Day, Mother’s Monday looks to redefine the relationship between motherhood and work. One of the major storylines emerging from the global pandemic is just how significant the impact has been on women, especially working moms. The group behind…
What To Wear When Nursing
Everyone knows that pregnancy requires a huge style change to accommodate that ever-growing bump, but what about after pregnancy? It’s not so easy to slip back into your pre-motherhood wardrobe, especially if you are nursing. Constant boob access is key and you’ll be required to deal with a dynamic sized and sometimes leaking chest (not…
Why Women Should Rule the World
March is Women’s History month, but let’s face it - women change the world every day. No matter what our “jobs” are (we usually have many), we know our real job is to grow the future. We’re good at it, too. Special thanks to artist Jessica Sabogal whose genius created this poster to advance women's…
Nine Money-Making Ideas Every Mom Should Know About
A few years ago, a group of moms were hanging around the playground and the topic of making extra money came up. Some moms wanted to send their children to a specialized camp; others were saving for a family trip, while others were just looking to make ends meet. After a half hour of groaning, complaining and sulking one of the crafty moms piped up. Were all sitting around thinking about what we don …
Cue Sticks: Getting Started in Your Own Business
Some people know what their calling is at a very young age and that passion just sticks with them for life. Nancy Shapiro was born to teach. Now, she’s turned that gift of helping others into a business calledCue Sticks.Through Cue Sticks, Nancy teaches the power of positive thinking. Cue Sticks are daily reminders that come in the form of either a temporary tattoo or a sticker.