5 mins read

Do You Need a Dose of C.T.F.D?

After surviving another holiday stressmas season, my New Years Resolution is simple: Im adopting the new parenting approach experts call CTFD.CTFD was first endorsed by parenting authorities this past summer. Especially now that my kids are teenagers, I see the wisdom of CTFD, or Calm The F*ck Down.Most parenting advice focuses on kids. This is a real problem. Kids are fine as is. Its parents who clearly need help …

5 mins read

Finding and Expressing True Gratitude

The following is a guest post by Jason Anthony. Do you know the difference between having thanks and truly being grateful? It has been said that you do not know what you have until it is gone, and that is a lesson that could not be more true for me. I used to sort of bounce through life offering thanks to many around me in a cordial kind of way, but I didnt really consider what it meant to have a real appreciation for what it was I had.

9 mins read

October Astrology Reading

OCTOBER, the month of gorgeous sunsets, is here and with so many Libra planets striving for civility in a cruel and unjust world theres hope for some sanity and balance. The key moments of the month occur with the lunations, the new and full moons, both of which are fairly benign.