3 mins read

Potty Training Pearls of Wisdom

People that know me well will tell you that I’m not a scaredy cat by nature. In fact, I laugh in the face of danger! Okay, so maybe I don’t laugh at it, but I will snicker at it occasionally. But I must admit there are a few things that strike fear in my heart. Things that are so horrible that I get a shiver down my spine just thinking of them. Things like bad bikini waxes and colon cleanses. Or the thought of Britney and K-Fed getting back together. Or something else that I experienced and lived to blog about.

3 mins read

Weight Training Routines for Kids

Children need about an hour a day of moderate exercise. While running, playing a sport or bicycling are all great ways to get in that daily exercise, some children may express interest in using weights to build up strength. Although myths have circulated about the dangers of children lifting weights too early, under most circumstances, weight training is a safe and healthy way for children to exercise.