7 mins read

How to Be a Superhero (Magic Not Required)

Anyone looking for a light, breezy read today might feel the urge to click elsewhere when I mention that September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. But wait! If you stick with me, you’ll soon see that this is an article about health, hope, and happiness — and how you can achieve each of those…

2 mins read

What Can You Put in Nail Polish to Make it Less Thick?

Whether you have an extensive nail polish collection or only a few go-to favorites that help you feel lovely and polished for an interview or night out, with time your nail polish will eventually begin to dry out and become thicker and more difficult to use. Rather than throw the bottle away, here are a…

3 mins read

How to Even Out a Spray Tan That Left White Spots

How to Even Out a Spray Tan That Left White Spots Spray tanning has become one of the most popular ways to get your skin to glow the way you want it. It is a great alternative to tanning that won't put you at risk for UV rays. Most of the time, these tans provide…

2 mins read

8 Tips For Getting Your Kids Packed for Summer Camp

The first year I sent my children to camp, I began preparations several months in advance. I ordered the camp logo items, purchased horseback riding boots, and soccer cleats (for a child who hates soccer and thinks horses are smelly), and had labels ironed or sewn into every last sock. Now, five years later, I pack two days before the trunks leave, and it couldnt be easier. Here are some of my tips for organizing for camp without the hassle: