1 min read

About Natural Family Planning

Many couples desire to control the timing of pregnancy through purely natural means. These couples have chosen not to use pharmaceutical or barrier methods of birth control. To control whether or not a pregnancy is likely to occur, these couples will pay close attention to the woman’s cycle of ovulation and time sexual activity accordingly.

3 mins read

Birth Control Methods for Christians

Birth control and family planning are an important part of creating the family you hope for, whether you are in the first years of your marriage or reaching the end of your fertility. Faith may play a role in your contraceptive choices, regardless of your denomination. Consider your own preferences, your spiritual beliefs and religious counsel, your health and your lifestyle when selecting the right birth control method.

6 mins read

Killing Off Supermom

I’ll be honest with you. In my house, the beds are rarely made unless someone is coming to visit. Sometimes I yell. My closet is a disaster and I feel guilty that I work too much. My kids watch more TV than they should. And I simply cannot afford to go all organic right now. There is a sticky shelf in my refrigerator that I keep hoping will evaporate on its own, and this morning I had to send my son off to camp with a PB&J made with frozen waffles because I forgot to buy bread. I’m not perfect. There, I said it. Bye Bye Supermom