6 mins read

10 Foods to Improve Sperm Count and Quality

Getting pregnant is not always as easy as we think it should be. One common problem is a low sperm count, but the good news is that there are foods that are not only super tasty, but super good for sperm. The best part? Some of these foods are also aphrodisiacs… so if you’ve gotten a little bored with getting it on to get prego, whip up a menu based on these sexy foods.

6 mins read

Spending Quality Time With The Kids During The Holidays

The holiday vacation brings family, joy and fun. But it also can bring too much idle time for the kids. We talked to parenting expert, Meredith Sinclair, about ways to spend quality time with your kids during the holidays. Many parents feel that they don’t spend enough quality time with their kids.  What are some ways…

1 min read

Room to Read Invests in Literacy and Gender Equality in Education

Room to Read is an organization that believes the world should be a place where all children can “pursue a quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and contribute to their community and the world”. In doing this, they focus on literacy and gender equality in education in developing countries by teaching kids how to read and supporting girls to complete secondary school with the life skills needed to succeed in school and afterward.

3 mins read

Hair Loss Prevention for Women

Everyone experiences hair loss as a natural part of the hair’s life cycle. However, if it seems that more of your hair is ending up in your brush than on your head, you may be losing more hair than normal. Although you may find your husband’s receding hairline to be somewhat cute, your own thinning hair can have you in tears. Often, increased hair loss can be a temporary condition. Knowing the cause of your thinning locks can help you find the best way to minimize or prevent additional hair loss.