2 mins read

Top 10 Signs of Pregnancy

The moment you suspect you may be pregnant is an exciting and nerve-wracking time. Some women arrive at this suspicion due simply to intuition. These women seem to be so in tune to their bodies that they just know. Others arrive at the thought through experiencing a number of symptoms. However, it is all supposition until you receive confirmation through a home pregnancy test or a visit to the doctor, and he says “Congratulations.”

4 mins read

How Parents Diagnose ADHD in Their Children

As the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder continues to grow, more moms wonder if their tots possess this disorder. While a trained physician is the only one who can officially diagnose ADHD, many parents suspect the presence of this disorder long before they receive confirmation from a medical professional. If you suspect that your child’s abundant energy could be the result of ADHD, consider some of the common warning signs.

15 mins read

Changed By A Child

It has only taken me thirteen years to write anything about our story. I can honestly say that I have perseverated about it endlessly, even thought about writing a book but I was always afraid I would end up like Jack Nicholson’s character on the “Shining,” you know, the one that locks himself in a…