Search Results for: receiving
Maximize Your Money: Smart Moves for Your Tax Refund!
Excited to see that money coming into the bank account? Already thinking about how to spend it in advance? It's important to recognize that receiving a tax refund isn't just a stroke of luck; it's a sign of financial responsibility and diligent tax planning. However, it's crucial not to fall victim to spending frivolously. Instead,…
Why You Should Absolutely Avoid the “Bank Glitch” Trend: Protect Your Financial Future
As a mom of three and a financial advisor, I’ve seen firsthand how essential it is to teach kids about budgeting, saving, and financial responsibility. Equally important is educating them on what not to do, and here’s a prime example: a dangerous trend is circulating on social media, encouraging people to exploit a supposed “bank glitch” to withdraw free cash from ATMs. While this may seem harmless in viral videos, it is actually bank fraud and can lead to serious legal trouble for you or your kids.
You’ve Been Summoned! What To Do When You’re Called For Jury Duty
You’ve Been Summoned! What To Do When You’re Called For Jury Duty Receiving a jury summons can feel like being handed a hot potato—particularly for parents juggling childcare, school drop-offs and pickups, and a myriad of daily responsibilities. But fear not! With a bit of planning and a dash of savvy, you can fulfill your…
Breathwork And How it Changed My Life
Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…
Unlock Your College Dreams: Top Scholarship Resources for High School Students
Let's face it, it's one thing to get into college, and it's a whole other thing to be able to afford it. If you've got an eye on higher education, you've probably discovered how expensive it can be. As high school students prepare for the next chapter in their educational journey, the soaring costs of…