Search Results for: recognizing
Recognizing the Small Things
Winter seems to be lingering for us in Northern Idaho. Clinging on with glimpses of fading away into spring. The cold rain storms nourish the land here and I am feeling very grateful for heat. Oh my gosh, it feels so good! Im one who loves to curl up close to a fire. Like a cat, I would adore sleeping in front of the warm glowing light.
The New Year’s Mantra for Moms: I Am Not Afraid Anymore
“I am not afraid anymore.” Moms, what could you or your family achieve if you faced your fears?
A Spinning Worry by Robin Stern, Ph.D. and Diana Divecha, Ph.D.
In this book, Alber explains that there are two distinct types of worry: a useful worry, or one that keeps you safe, and A Spinning Worry, or one that you imagine, is not likely to happen and can keep you from fully enjoying your life.
A Message from Parents to Teens: “You’re an extraordinary human being.”
“You’re an extraordinary human being.” These words were spoken to me by a peer recently. Throughout the day those words continued to chime in my ear. They were not just a casual compliment but a profound acknowledgment of my heart. At that moment, I felt a validation that surpassed any material gain. It made me…
Words Can Shape our Beliefs and Drive our Behavior
Words are powerful. Whether you write or speak them, they have an impact on you and others. They express feelings, share knowledge, and change a mood in an instant. Words are sparks that can light fires. Today, I want to encourage you to harness these sparks to change yourself. Author and coach Tony Robbins's said…