4 mins read

The Pancake Pen Makes Breakfast Extra Fun

Offering pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouses face at restaurants is a brilliant marketing ploy. I know this because I have kids, and my young boys somehow gloss over everything else on the menu to fixate solely on the Mickey Mouse pancake option. And although its only one pancake (and its on a menu that offers multiple servings of pancakes!), they opt for that specific one with the ears. Why? Not the taste. Not the price. Not even the generous layer of whipped cream.

3 mins read

Recommended Bed Times for Children

How much sleep do kids need and what time should they go to bed — these are two questions parents often ask themselves. With children’s lives getting busier at younger ages, it’s important to set consistent bedtime routines and to establish a time to turn off the lights for the night. While no two children are the same, there are some general guidelines recommended for children during different stages of childhood.

4 mins read

What Is Recommended for Reducing Dietary Cholesterol?

While you can’t control the cholesterol your body naturally produces, you can control the amount of cholesterol you add to your body by the foods you eat. Not all cholesterol is bad for you. HDL, or good cholesterol, is like “the garbage truck of the bloodstream,” because it carries cholesterol away from your arteries and back to the liver for disposal, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of your body. Too much of it creates plaque, which clogs the arteries and limits blood flow. When the plaque breaks apart, you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

3 mins read

Pore Extraction

So you’ve finally gotten around to doing something nice for yourself for a change and are getting a facial. You are ready to relax and be pampered, knowing that your skin will look more fresh when you’re through. You arrive at the spa and are perhaps in a candlelit room with soft music playing in the background. What could be more relaxing? That is, until the esthetician starts in on your pores. Ouch!