Search Results for: record errors
Children with Autism and Outside Agencies – Part 2
In my last blog, I discussed how I took my son to an outside agency (by outside I mean one that is not directly funded by the school district) to be tested for reading comprehension. He had scored low. Then, at his first fifth grade testing, he again scored low. Right before his December IEP, however, he was retested and the numbers were significantly better. He had improved greatly. At the IEP, we decided to …
The Internet: Friend or Foe?
Recently, we had something happen to us, and we just had to share it. If youve been reading our blog, you know our three kids are all on the autism spectrum. This means they have trouble picking up social cues.
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of At-Home Pregnancy Tests
When you think you might be pregnant, every minute you have to wait to find out can seem like hours. A little impatience can lead to several test errors. Home pregnancy tests first developed in the 1970s allowed you to test for the early pregnancy indicator–the human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)–in your urine. The tests are accurate when you follow all the instructions carefully. Mistakes in taking the test or interpreting the results account for the majority of false positive or negative results. When you take the test is as important as how you take it.