Search Results for: recycling metal
Fun Recycling Facts for Kids
One way to teach your children to be responsible citizens is to teach them about recycling. Recycling turns old, used products such as empty cans and bottles into new items such as park benches. Less energy is used to make something out of recycled materials than to make something out of new materials, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Recycling Games for Kids
It is important to teach healthy habits from an early age. You make sure children learn to brush their teeth, clean their room and care for their toys. Those habits have immediate results. Teaching them to care for the Earth is a little more abstract. Turn recycling into a game and get them excited about proper environmental behavior.
Go Green: Tips for Waste-Free School Lunches
The following is a guest post fromLisa Baumgartner, founder & CEO of Funkins In the age of convenience and with the demands faced by modern families, packed lunches dont look the same as they did 20 years ago. Have we become a disposable society?
Budget Home Decorating Ideas
Decorating a home doesn’t have to be an activity that drains your bank account. Some home decorations can be made from simple recycled products found around the house. Other home decorations can be produced with crafts that are inexpensive and fun. Regardless of how you approach your home-decorating project, recycling can reduce your costs.
Christmas Crafts for Kids Made Out of Recycled Items
Using recycled items to make Christmas crafts with the kids can be your family’s holiday gift to the environment. While the most common recycled Christmas craft may be making a Christmas tree ornament by cutting out an image from a recently received holiday card and attaching a string to it, there are many more creative children’s Christmas crafts that can be made by reusing and recycling items.