3 mins read

The Best Statin for Reducing Cholesterol

Statins are a class of prescription drugs used to treat high cholesterol, a condition in which fatty deposits build up in your blood stream and along your arteries. You may be able to reduce your cholesterol simply by making extreme changes in diet and lifestyle; however, according to MayoClinic.com, if a statin is the only treatment that works for you, using this medication is a lifelong commitment. The best statin for reducing cholesterol is the medication your doctor prescribes.

4 mins read

What Is Recommended for Reducing Dietary Cholesterol?

While you can’t control the cholesterol your body naturally produces, you can control the amount of cholesterol you add to your body by the foods you eat. Not all cholesterol is bad for you. HDL, or good cholesterol, is like “the garbage truck of the bloodstream,” because it carries cholesterol away from your arteries and back to the liver for disposal, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of your body. Too much of it creates plaque, which clogs the arteries and limits blood flow. When the plaque breaks apart, you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

5 mins read

Maximize Your Money: Smart Moves for Your Tax Refund!

Excited to see that money coming into the bank account? Already thinking about how to spend it in advance? It's important to recognize that receiving a tax refund isn't just a stroke of luck; it's a sign of financial responsibility and diligent tax planning. However, it's crucial not to fall victim to spending frivolously. Instead,…