7 mins read

The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start

Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…

5 mins read

Rewards Credit Cards: Are They Right for You?

Rewards credit cards such as air mile cards are something I have tried twice. In theory they are great. You use your credit card for your regular weekly purchases that you would buy anyway, such as groceries and gas, pay it off in full at the end of the month and bring in the rewards.

3 mins read

How Do Teenagers Build Credit?

Establishing a good credit history early is as important as not creating a bad credit history. Start teaching teens about money, budgeting and the importance of credit at an early age. Give them some freedom with money to teach them about personal responsibility. Be open to discussing your own credit history and mistakes with teens. Continue to set a good example with your own limited credit card use, reliance on debit cards or cash, and maintaining a budget.

8 mins read

ABCs of Money: Teach Your Kids Fiscal Responsibility

Like us on Facebook – The Krazy Coupon Ladyor follow us on Twitter -@KrazyCouponLady Parents wonder, how do I raise a financially responsible child? When do I begin teaching my child about money? Where is the balance between starved and spoiled? How young is too young for a child to begin earning money of their own? How do I teach my child to manage money? Remember, teaching your child about money is a process, not an event. Here are the best ways to teach your child, of any age, how to respect and manage money.

7 mins read

Why You Should Absolutely Avoid the “Bank Glitch” Trend: Protect Your Financial Future

As a mom of three and a financial advisor, I’ve seen firsthand how essential it is to teach kids about budgeting, saving, and financial responsibility. Equally important is educating them on what not to do, and here’s a prime example: a dangerous trend is circulating on social media, encouraging people to exploit a supposed “bank glitch” to withdraw free cash from ATMs. While this may seem harmless in viral videos, it is actually bank fraud and can lead to serious legal trouble for you or your kids.