Search Results for: renovation
One Mother’s Road To Choosing Adoption
Three years and two miscarriages after we had our daughter, we were at a crossroads. Do we continue trying to conceive with more invasive procedures or do we pursue adoption? After a lot of talking and planning, my husband and I both decided it was time for adoption. Quite frankly, I was reluctant at first.…
Unique Father’s Day Gift Options For Every Type of Dad
Another year has passed and it’s once again time to think about what to buy that man in your life for Father’s Day. With so many types of men, it could be difficult to figure out what to get your type. And so, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a thorough list of unique gift options…
Are You Guilty Of Terrible “Mom Manners?”
We know them well, dont we? The moms who cant do their carpool duties because of a birthday, the moms who book a play date and then dash off to do some errand, and the mom who never invites your kids to play because her house is under renovation.
A Floor That Makes “Cents”?
About a dozen years ago, my siblings talked me into buying a cottage with them. It has worked out great – we share the cost and the work among the four of us, and the property gets a lot of use! On the rare occasion we’re all there at the same time, it makes for…
What Wedding Season Means For Parents
Oh, April. The blooming trees. The pretty flowers. The longer, sunnier days.And the start of the wedding season.For parents, other peoples weddings bring unique stresses. The flawless embossed invitation arrives. A work of art, complete with your calligraphied name and address decorating the envelope like twining ivy, topped by a carefully love-themed stamp. A creation that the bride and groom clearly put more time, effort, creativity and cash into than a kitchen …