3 mins read

Breast Cancer Awareness: Interview with Dr. Beth Y. Karlan

The pink party was established by Elyse Walker in honor of her mother, Barbara Feder, who discovered her cancer when she had Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. She didnt have the benefit of the treatments available today, but thanks topink party, Dr. Beth Y. Karlan, MD, and the Cedars-Sinai Womens Cancer Program at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute have received over $6 million dollars in funding for treatment and research. We were lucky enough to get Dr. Karlan’s perspective on how helpful and inspiring the event is:

1 min read

How to Wash Your Hair Brushes

Hair brushes are often overlooked when it comes to your beauty regime, but like other health tools, they require weekly cleaning to obtain the best brushing results. Your hairbrush is subjected to everything you put on your hair and although the residues may not be visible, your brush is the perfect repository for hair additives like gels and hairspray. By taking a few minutes a week to clean your hairbrushes, you’ll find the brush moves more smoothly through your hair and aids in keeping it clean longer.

2 mins read

How Are Sperm Stored in Sperm Banks?

A sperm bank will freeze and store a man’s sperm until he–or someone else–is ready to use it. This is an ideal solution for anyone who must go through a treatment that can harm sperm production or ejaculation. Some sperm banks will even pay you for your specimen if you allow single women or infertile couples to use your sperm to conceive.