3 mins read

How Does IVF Work?

“In vitro,” which means “in glass,” is a procedure in which a woman’s eggs are fertilized with a man’s sperm outside the body. There are many reasons why a couple might consider IVF (in vitro fertilization): blocked fallopian tubes, lack of response to infertility medication, low sperm count or sperm that are slow, or unexplained infertility. One cycle of IVF can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months and, according to the Center for Human Reproduction, is successful about 50 percent of the time.

3 mins read

Autism and Just Being a Teenager

The title has two meanings because sometimes my child has autism and other times, well, he’s just being a rather typical teenager. How so? Testing and pushing boundaries is one way. With attitude. It’s a lot of fun for parents! Another way is when he recently changed from headphones to earbuds. My son has always…