3 mins read

Are You Living With A Housework Saboteur?

Bathroom company Victoria Plumb (UK) has proven what many women have always suspected. Their survey of 2,000 people found that 30% of men deliberately sabotage domestic chores to avoid being asked to do them again. The chores these naughty fellows admitted to intentionally performing poorly, not surprisingly, include the jobs we all hate doing -…

4 mins read

Soothing The Frustrations Of Homeschooling During COVID-19

If it isn’t enough that we are going through a national pandemic, this pandemic is requiring us to isolate ourselves and our families and treat our jobs like extreme sports as we maneuver working from home. Adding fuel to this wildfire is the challenge of homeschooling your children. Homeschooling one child presents with its challenges…

2 mins read

Safe Skin Care During Pregnancy

While the excitement and anticipation you feel during pregnancy may leave little time for you to think about your skin, proper skin care techniques can prevent future problems. Some medications and skin preparations protect your health while others pose a risk to the health of your developing baby. Caring for your skin, including treating both preexisting skin conditions and skin changes due to pregnancy, require caution.