2 mins read

Embryo Pregnancy Stages

By the fifth week of your pregnancy, your future son or daughter is officially an embryo, according to the MayoClinic.com. Embryos are comprised of three layers of cells, skin, organs and tissues; the scientific names for these layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. As your pregnancy progresses, the embryo will shape into a fully formed baby ready for a safe and healthy delivery.

2 mins read

Rapid Weight Loss Diet

Rapid weight loss diets may sound like a dream come true to busy moms, but they can do more harm than good when used frequently, according to the Mayo Clinic. Like almost anything else in the fitness and diet world, “slow and steady” usually lasts longer and creates less health risks to dieters. However, you can usually safely use quick weight loss diets to boost your initial weight loss, according to the Mayo Clinic.

5 mins read

Signs You’re Having a Baby Boy

Some couples decide to wait until their baby is born to find out its gender. However, according to information published on pregnancyinfo.net, surveys suggest that more than 50 percent of couples expecting babies want to know a child’s gender before the infant is born. If you are wondering whether that little baby inside your tummy might be a boy, you can resort to traditional folklore methods or rely on more scientific means for an answer.