Search Results for: shared dependence
I Don’t Want to be Mothered, I Need a Coach
How to Identify When Teens Want Coaching, Not Parental Advice I am a mother of two incredible children, a daughter and a son. I nurtured them, loved them deeply, and did everything I could to protect them from danger. But being a parent means more than just mothering. I learned this while attending grad school…
The Importance of Listening: 3 Ways Parents Can Better Listen to Teens
As a mother of two I have often experienced the many joys and difficulties of raising teens. When my kids were in high school, it felt like I would have to tell them things over and over. But I never stopped to ask myself — was I listening to my teens? Teens need to be…
Advantages & Disadvantages for Children in a Single-Parent Family
Nowadays, it is just as common for children to be in a single-parent family than a traditional two-parent family. Due to divorce rate, delays in marriage, and those shunning the institution of marriage altogether, single-parent families are becoming increasingly popular [Source]. There are many advantages and disadvantages for children of single parents. Disadvantages Listed below…
Cutting The Parental Cord
As a parent of a high school student, I’ve had a hard time navigating the balance between staying involved in my teenagers life and giving him the independence he craves.On the one hand, research shows that engaged parents have kids who are less likely to use drugs and alcohol and are more likely to do well in school. On the other hand, I sense that he is pulling away from me – indviduating …
Why Do Dads Get A Pass In I Don’t Know How She Does It?
The day the movie version ofAllison Pearsons 2002 best-seller, I Dont Know How She Does It hit our neighborhood theatre, I insisted my husband go with me.