4 mins read

Are You Ruining Sports For Your Kid?

Every fall, there’s a bright shining sports moment when the four most competitive, most watched professional men’s games are simultaneously played in the United States. Sadly for Mets fans, gloriously for the Royals, the World Series ended Sunday night. But basketball, hockey, and football offer daily consolation. As so many of us, alongside our kids,…

4 mins read

Trapped Inside the “Mom Bubble”

I love being a writer, but one of the hardest things about my job is that I do it alone, in my house, all day long. If it were not for my children and their after-school activities, I am quite sure that weeks would go by in which I wouldnt actually speak to another living soul.

5 mins read

Turning Fifty Shades of Red at the Bookstore

Fifty years ago, a very distinctive and diverse group of womendecided to start meeting once a month. The group was made up of daughters of former Governors, wives of distinguished business men, stay at home moms, and women who were just beginning the journey of leaving a definitive mark on their communities.

10 mins read

Two-Time Olympian Balances Training and Twins

Julie Swail (Ertel) seems to do things in pairs: competes in two Olympic Games, excels in two different sports, and then gives birth to twins. Only a true athlete could tackle all that, and Julie does it like a champ. She was the captain of the 2000 USA Womens Olympic Water Polo team and took home the Silver medal in Sydney. Eight years later, she was once again competing in the Summer Olympics, but this time in Bejing and in the sport of triathlon.

5 mins read

Blinded by Mother Love

At times our cultural angst reveals itself on the front pages of our national newspapers. Last Friday, USA Today presented its 3.3 million daily readers with a front page story about tween girls titled Growing Up Fast, But With Less Independence as part of its week long, dramatically titled Saving Childhood series.