2 mins read

Fun Active Games for Kids

Get everyone off the couch with some fun active games! Kids love rowdy or spirited games, be it as simple as chasing after a ball or as organized as team soccer. You do not need equipment or even a playing field for many classic active games that kids have historically played in streets, playgrounds and backyards.

4 mins read

A Moderndad Speaks: "My 6-Year Old's Generosity"

The Cub Scout Pack meeting was especially fun this time. The boys all made paper airplanes and flew them in groups through a snowstorm of newspaper snowballs thrown by the other cubs. My Sam, a Tiger Cub (the youngest group), made an airplane by himself and flew it several times through the barrage. It made it through a couple of times! We walked the three blocks home in the rain. Sam held my leg tightly as we splashed through the puddles and I let go of the mess he was making of his uniform. He was free and so was I.