4 mins read

What’s Causing Your Baby’s Skin Rash?

Its the moment every mom dreams of – your baby has arrived and youre finally ready to take this tiny person home! But if youre wondering why your babys skin reminds you of Benjamin Button, you may not be the only one. Although theyre quite common, newborn rashes can be both worrisome and frustrating for parents. Rashes appear frequently on babies, and often resolve without any intervention or treatment. In most cases they are benign and short-lived, however, your childs rash may need to be evaluated by a physician.

2 mins read

Watermelon: The Miracle Skin-Saver!

After winter, our skin yearns for moisture and replenishing. Watermelon is a great skin saver, with its 93% water content and its multi-vitamin combination of vitamins A, B6 and C. It will not only hydrate your skin, but also repair and protect your skin for the coming sunny months. The following are recipes for utilizing watermelon to bring vibrance back to wintery skin and to prepare for the sun: For Dry Skin