7 mins read

A Sneak Peek Into The Mind Of A Four-Year-Old

Ever wondered what’s it like inside the mind of a four-year-old? Here’s a typical day: 4:30 a.m.HmmIm half awake. It would be so much cozier in Mommy and Daddys bed – right smack between them where I can make my body seem almost twice as big, and Mommy and Daddy can pretty much kiss the rest of their sleep goodbye.

2 mins read

Want to Peek Inside Brooke's Bag?!

Brooke is all over the place — and traveling a bunch too. Just recently, she flew to Chicago to be on the Oprah show — amazing, right? We asked her how she packs, what she throws in her carry-on bag and what she never leaves the house without. Here’s the scoop.

1 min read

Rise & Shine Metabolism Green Smoothie

If ever since you've had kids you feel like your metabolism has gone to the pot, we've got a great breakfast for you and some good news! We wrote Fire Up Your Metabolism after realizing that so many people felt doomed by their genetics or that they couldn't do anything to get their body to…

4 mins read

Are They Kids or Piglets?

I grew up in a chaotically messy home, with a busy mom who disdained cleaning AND cleaning women. Our cats litter box was changed approximately every three years. If the screen door ripped, it stayed ripped. Half the food in the fridge was covered in green and white fuzzy mold.