11 mins read

April Astrology

What a charged up month it is, this April, with several planets in the impulsive do or die sign of pioneer Aries. Coming off of the intense full moon of last week, with the fertility rites of spring just behind us, symbolized by “Eostre” the Teutonic goddess of fertility whose totem was the rabbit.

9 mins read

July Astrology Reading

Once we get past the first two days, which are still tangled up in the gridlock of Pluto and Uranus square to the Sun, with teeth bared in some cases, power struggles and other matters like year end fiscal book closings, will be smoothed and organized in a business like way, even if employing a lawyer is what is called for.

3 mins read

Family Video Games for the Xbox 360

According to Entertainment Software Association, 67 percent of American households play computer and video games, as of 2010. In addition, 64 percent of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives. Xbox, which is one of the top providers of video games, offer a variety of options to cater to every gamer, including video games played by families.

3 mins read

10 Years: The Story of Us

I blog about all women, for women. I talk about all the issues we as women face today. All the struggles, and all the things we sit on the fence about in life, marriage, career, kids, friendships, health, and more. And I love it. I dont have to tell you, I say it all the time Im living my dream. But Im only living my dream for one reason because my husband lets me do so.