2 mins read

The Best Colors to Wear for Photographs

The color you choose for a professional photograph session sets the tone for the portrait. Clothing worn in a photograph requires careful consideration to ensure that the end result will be pleasing to the eye. Finding clothing that you feel comfortable wearing and that photographs well can be a challenge. It is even further complicated if several people are in the photograph, as colors should be coordinated.

2 mins read

The Best On-Camera Colors to Wear

Let’s face it: we moms want to look our best, even if we feel like we are covered in spit-up and haven’t had a haircut in months. Luckily, looking our best when being filmed may be as simple as choosing the best colors to wear. While each person has certain colors that she looks best in, some colors really stand out when recorded. In addition, many colors are associated with certain personality traits.

3 mins read

5 Holiday Fashion Secrets That Will Make You Look 5 Pounds Thinner

The following is a guest post byZankhna ParekhTis the season again for glamorous holiday balls, office Christmas parties, and sparkling new years eve parties. It is also the most dreaded time of the year if you are a new mom (or a mom).As we all know, most things dont go back to where they should after having kids, but particularly so if you are a new mom. You know you the …

3 mins read

How Can Women Increase Height?

Whether you’re “petite” or just short, you may long to escape from the land of giants. You probably stopped growing taller in your late teens, but you don’t have to settle for the height that you are now. Whether you want to take drastic measures like surgery or just want to look taller, there is a solution for you.