Search Results for: specific
Should you disclose autism specifics?
I found this article recently: “To disclose or not to disclose; that's the question many parents whose children have autism wrestle with every time they set foot in a public place. Is it better to be upfront about your kid's disorder to bemused strangers, or to keep your private business private? It's an internal debate that's…
How Do Multivitamins Enhance a Dog’s Overall Health and Nutritional Balance?
One of your main tasks is to ensure your dog gets a balanced diet. It's vital for its health. Fact of the matter is, high-quality dog food is just one of the inputs of the essential nutrients for dogs. Sometimes dogs may have to take further support as well. Typically found in veterinary supplies, multivitamins…
Do You Know How Your Child Is Feeling? A Reflection for Parents in The New Year
Do You Know How Your Child Is Feeling? With the new year well underway, it’s back to work, back to school, and back to parenting—though parenting never really takes a break. Whether your child is returning to college after the holidays or walking through the door after soccer practice or their first sleepover, the to-do list never ends. Yet, amidst the busyness, each moment offers a chance to connect and deepen your relationship.
How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire
How to Recover Financially and Emotionally After Losing Your Home in a Wildfire
Los Angeles is the birthplace of, and it’s been heart-wrenching to see so many suffering in our community.
When a natural disaster strikes, the financial losses are staggering, but as moms, our first concern is often for our families. How do we explain this to our kiddos? How do we support our partners while holding ourselves together? How do we even find the strength to ask for help when we feel like we need to do it all? How are we going to get through this? It’s all so overwhelming.
Exploring the Different Components of a Comprehensive Pediatric Exam
Every parent wants the best for their child, and a key aspect of ensuring their well-being involves regular visits to the pediatrician. Yet, while many parents attend these appointments dutifully, some might not fully understand the purpose or scope of a comprehensive pediatric exam. This guide explores the different components evaluated during an annual pediatric…