3 mins read

My New Realization About Food Privilege This Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving, we’re all reminded that this time of year is all about feasting. Families, friends, and communities all join together to EAT. I’m also reminded of all the good I see in my community around food insecurity during this season. My girls’ hockey league is passionate about empowering their players to learn…

4 mins read

Autism and Another Fund Raising Event

I like to keep active on the fund raising front. I try to volunteer two or three times a year. One event I volunteer for every year is The Ed Asner Poker Tournament. Ed Asner is a huge supporter of the autism community. Additionally, he just began a non-profit called The Ed Asner Family Center.…

8 mins read

10 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Better Writer

If your kids are like mine, they don’t take well to their parents giving them advice on much of anything — academics, athletics, you name it. In many ways, I am thankful for this. My kids are independent and have learned to do their homework on their own.But I had to step in recently to help my middle-schooler with a term paper that needed a lot of help. I started with my red pen …

3 mins read

Learning Games for Preschool Kids

Playing learning games with your preschoolers can help to teach new skills and concepts and review skills and concepts he has already learned. Depending on what you play, learning games for your preschooler can help her to learn and review numbers, letters, colors, shapes and the alphabet. They can also help to teach and review concepts like bigger and smaller and less and more. Playing learning games regularly with your preschooler can help her successfully prepare for school.

2 mins read

Summer Fitness Tips for Moms from Gabby Reece

Gabby Reece is a mother of two, former professional beach volleyball player and  an expert when it comes to getting in shape. Here are her 5 tips for staying fit this summer. Take Mindful Strides: “One of the best movements you can do for your health is simply walking. I like make walking a full…