Search Results for: spinning
A Spinning Worry by Robin Stern, Ph.D. and Diana Divecha, Ph.D.
In this book, Alber explains that there are two distinct types of worry: a useful worry, or one that keeps you safe, and A Spinning Worry, or one that you imagine, is not likely to happen and can keep you from fully enjoying your life.
Spinning Class During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can lead you to evaluate many aspects of your life, including your level of physical fitness. Exercising during your pregnancy can supply numerous benefits. Spinning classes provide group environments that can help encourage and motivate you to stay active. Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise routine, including signing up for a spinning class, during your pregnancy.
Do You Know How Your Child Is Feeling? A Reflection for Parents in The New Year
Do You Know How Your Child Is Feeling? With the new year well underway, it’s back to work, back to school, and back to parenting—though parenting never really takes a break. Whether your child is returning to college after the holidays or walking through the door after soccer practice or their first sleepover, the to-do list never ends. Yet, amidst the busyness, each moment offers a chance to connect and deepen your relationship.
Breathwork And How it Changed My Life
Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…
Can You Believe It? Health Hype Vs. Medical Science
I went to medical school a long time ago. In another millennium, on another coast, in a galaxy far, far away. I’ve forgotten a lot of what I learned, back in the dark ages before Twitter, and even Facebook. But the information I’ve learned since then has more than made up for what I’ve lost.…