11 mins read

I Survived the PTA – Here’s What I Learned

I received an e-mail from the school’s PTA saying that they needed volunteers to help pass out iPads and laptops to students, I signed up, glad to feel like I still able to get involved in the school community, while also hoping to catch a glimpse of my son’s future environment. (All I got was a peek inside the gym, as we were stationed outside to distribute the students’ devices.)

12 mins read

January Astrology

Welcome to 2013, which adds up to a six year, the card of the Lovers, in the Tarot. Aside from the romantic connotation here, the lovers represents duality, and a kind of yin yang twinship. Six years are mostly concerned with the art and craft of relating, take this where you will, whether it be diplomacy in world affairs or interactions at a deeply personal level. I regret to say that I am a little …