2 mins read

The Best Diets for Alertness

Staying on top of your game is key to making it through that daily to-do list, but fatigue and a lack of mental alertness can sabotage your plans. Smart diet choices can help to keep you clear headed and at your best. While eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet all the time is the best option to feel your best physically and mentally, you can get an alertness boost for the short term by choosing the right foods.

4 mins read

Toddler Door Locking: An Epidemic

I’m here to raise awareness about a serious issue affecting all parents at some point in their lives. As a survivor of Toddler Door Locking, I believe I can offer insight into this growing epidemic that touches hundreds of homes every year. Let me paint the picture: I live in a townhouse consisting of three…

7 mins read

Night Frights: 10 Ways to Help Kids With Nightmares

What do you do when your little one has scary dreams? There are two issues to examine when trying to help a child who’s suffering from nightmares: What to do during the nightmare, or just after the child awakens from one What to do in the child’s daily life, before and after sleeptime, to help keep the bad dreams away. Another way to say this is: there’s crisis management and then there’s crisis prevention. First, let’s talk about how to manage a child’s nightmare in the moment. 1. First, what NOT to do.

6 mins read

7 Ways To Keep Your Children Safe In The Water

Swimming is one of the most popular activities for families to enjoy during the summertime. However, you shouldnt let the fun lull you into a false sense of security. All too often, we hear about drowning incidents that stem from children swimming unattended or parent inattention.