7 mins read

Sexism, New York Times Style

Each ambitious woman discovers her own ugly truth: along the path to success, youve gotta watch out for the false doors, the smoke and mirrors, the landmines disguised as bouquets of roses. Expect them when you least expect them. Sheryl Sandburgs famous Lean In philosophy didnt quite capture this part. Yes, lean in. Work hard. Work smart. But recognize that workplaces, especially the most powerful, highly compensated, male-dominated echelons of politics, journalism …

3 mins read

Moms With Style: Celebrity Fashion Lines

Celebrities are natural trend setters, and theycertainly know how to rock the red carpet, so it makes perfect sense that some stars double as clothing designers. Here are three celebrity moms who used their style and savvy to launch tobreak into the world of fashion and launch their own lines. From football jerseys to vintage-inspired bracelets, these ladies have got you covered! Gwen Stefani – L.A.M.B. An edgy mix of vintage …

6 mins read

Risky Business: Why Women Excel In Dangerous Careers

When my husband was diagnosed with a rare liver disease, I made an astonishing discovery: the risks I took at my job actually helped me manage the ordeal. As a professional ski patroller, I carry explosives, start avalanches, hike in chest deep snow, and haul heavy toboggans carrying gravely injured skiers. We women patrollers do this side by side with the men. While some might find my work a bit risky, I find it essential.