9 mins read

Ditch the Grinch and Deck the Halls

‘Tis the season! That’s what all the billboards, advertisements, and email subject lines are saying right about now, anyway.  But ‘tis the season for what, exactly? The obvious answers are “giving” and “gathering” and “getting out the sparkly decorations.” There are presents that need purchasing and cards that need crafting; there are parties that require…

9 mins read

How to Nip Sibling Battles in the Bud

The following guest post is from Dr. Laura Nathanson Siblings are supposed to fight. Aren't they? Isn't that why Nature gave us backseats in cars? That's how it seems in the media. It's a running joke. In real life, many parents really want their children to get along together, but are quick to add that…

2 mins read

How to Stop Child Bed-Wetting

It’s a frustrating experience for everyone when a child wets the bed, but don’t blame or become angry with your child. He isn’t doing it on purpose. In fact, chances are he inherited this condition from you or from a close relative. Children who wet the bed tend to be deep sleepers who don’t feel their bladders being full, so they don’t get up to urinate, wetting the bed instead. For most kids, bed-wetting stops by itself, but you can take some measures to help.

3 mins read

5 Metabolism Boosting Foods To Add To Your Diet

A higher metabolism can only increase your chances for weight loss success. Eating foods that speed up your metabolism will help your body to burn energy which in turn, will help you meet your weight loss goals faster. Below is a list highlighting five easy ways to do this. Try them out over the next…