3 mins read

What Are Some Treatments for Wrinkles Around the Mouth?

As skin ages, it loses elasticity. This natural decrease in collagen and elastin causes wrinkles to look more pronounced, especially around the mouth area. Doctors often treat patients for three common types of wrinkles around the mouth. Lipstick lines, also called smoker’s lines, are the fine wrinkles that extend vertically from the top lip. Marionette lines extend downward from the corner of the mouth and give it a puppet-like appearance, and parentheses lines are the shallow, curving lines at the corners of the mouth.

2 mins read

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a malignant disease where cancerous cells form in the tissues of the cervix or the narrow end of the uterus area. According to the National Cervical Cancer Coalition, cervical cancer is the second deadliest cancer second only to breast cancer. It affects 10,000 women in the United States each year. Most are between the ages of 35 and 55. Identifying the symptoms is important in diagnosing and treatment of cervical cancer.