Search Results for: talk program
Teen Talk
Calling all teens! We're excited to share a contributor volunteer opportunity at with you!Teens! Share to help others just like you! Are you passionate about writing or other forms of creative content creation (video, recipes, photos, or something else!) and eager to express your thoughts, opinions, and important perspectives on topics that matter to…
Young Adults with Autism Talk to Teenagers with Autism
My son and I recently attended a group’s resource meeting. This localized group (it’s located in the “Foothills area of northern Los Angeles County) holds meetings once a month. These meetings have paid speakers who come to discuss a wide range of topics—from eating issues to genetics to floor time therapies. Being a member of…
LaBlast Fitness Program
Were always excited for new work-out series, and nothing gets us ready to move like a fun cardio dance series! The LaBlast program is five discs of high energy fun and calorie torching bliss led by “Dancing with the Stars” pro, Louis van Amstel.
Have you had THIS “talk” with your kids?
Lately at some of our parent seminars, we began educating parents about the dangers of sexual predators, bullying, online safety issues and abduction and upon hearing some of the statistics…
When Do You Talk to Your Child About Sex?
In past generations, kids were lucky if their parents had “the talk” with them, a talk parents might have referred to as being about “the birds and the bees,” that cute euphemism for sex. A talk like that was certainly better than not having a talk at all, but it is not the best approach. Kids do better with an ongoing and open dialog.