Search Results for: targeted approach
Supports for Our Kids with Autism
Supports for Our Kids with Autism I was told this story from a friend who gave me permission to repeat it here. What is the story? My friend’s fifteen-year-old son has autism. He is in a community integration program where a facilitator comes to their home and takes her son out on a community visit…
An Autism-related Puzzle
Here’s the puzzle, friends of ours are having issues with their child with autism (a teenager). First piece of the puzzle - For the last two or three years, their child would take a sweater to school and many times it wouldn’t come home. One time, they confirmed that a class bully had taken one…
Battling Girl Bullies
Another bullying suicide hit the news recently: a 12-year-old Florida girl, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, leapt to her death after enduring a year of cyber taunts and threats perpetrated by a group of 15-year-old girls at he
January Astrology Reading
Appropriately named for Janus, the two headed Roman god of beginnings and endings, January is that doorway into the year ahead, from 2011 to 2012.
Weight Loss Systems for Men
Statistics from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey suggest that as many as 72 percent of men are overweight or obese (measured as a body mass index of 25 or more). Clearly, there are a lot of men who could stand to lose a few pounds. Newsweek, however, reports that men and women approach weight loss in different ways, so traditional calorie-counting diets may not be as effective for men. It takes a combination of diet and exercise to lose weight, and different diets focus on different methods.