3 mins read

Tame Your Teen’s Temptations

One of the greatest tests for teens has nothing to do with calculus, although it has plenty to do with calculating – calculating what will happen. The big What If? Taming temptation means helping your teen to understand their natural craving for undiluted pleasure, passionate desire, extreme danger, and their unabashed seduction by the unknown.

6 mins read

5 Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Packing On The Pounds

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~ Anonymous The above quote probably doesn’t reflect the title in the right manner, yet it offers food for thought! People worldwide look forward to…

2 mins read

7 Ways To Work Out While You’re Waiting At The Airport

The holiday season is upon us and besides all of the food temptations that we are presented with, there is also the issue of all the time spent sitting. My advice? Make the most out of every moment while traveling.It will help youburn the calories you need to say “yes” to that extra piece of pie and have the energy you need to keep up with your little ones after all they’ve had their fill of dessert!