2 mins read

Tennis Balls makes them fluffier

My friend contacted me a couple of months ago, because her son had wet his bed. Of course that was nothing uncommon about that, but she was a little puzzled about how to handle it. She is a very experienced mother and first grade teacher, so she usually would not call for advice on her son’s peeing problems. But she needed my help, because her son sleeps with a duvet and she didn’t …

4 mins read

The Only Mom On The Baseball Field

There are many new experiences that we go through in the wake of a divorce. The feeling of sleeping alone in a bed bought for two, the sudden realization that you have to find a plus one for your friend’s wedding and even figuring out what to do on Sundays once football season starts.

6 mins read

Why My Son Will Never Play Football

My 17-year-old son has always been a sports-first kind of boy. We have a Polaroid of him holding a basketball before he could crawl. He took his first steps on Superbowl Sunday – because he was trying to get as close as possible to the TV screen. Poker is a sport in his view, because…

4 mins read

To Grunt or Not To Grunt? The Great Tennis Question

Professional sports are all about the competition. As a mother, I would love to think that my children can grow up to be professional athletes and sprinkle rainbows and fairy dust on the field to make both sides of the team feel calm and at ease while playing against each other. But the reality is that most people are drawn to watch professional sports because of the competitive spirit.