2 mins read

Making a Difference: The 3 Essential Steps

The best way to enrich your life, to bring about happiness and a sense of fulfillment, comes surprisingly not from focusing on our own wants, but in making a difference in the lives of others. There are 3 necessary steps in making a difference and encouraging positive change in this beautiful world we all call home. If youve ever asked yourself what can I do to make a mark on this world? How can …

4 mins read

Pay Down Holiday Debt Quickly in 5 Simple Steps

If you're among the 36% of shoppers who racked up $1,181 in holiday debt, don't dilly dally. Taking action quickly to pay down these balances will help you save money and avoid useless fees. Tackling debt is overwhelming if you don't know where to start. However, this step-by-step guide will show you how to pay…

12 mins read

Making Mom Friends During Covid-19

I’ve never had trouble making friends. In high school, I was that kid who bopped from group to group, never settling with any one posse, happily getting along with people from all different social circles. And then I got older. And then I became a mom. Our friends and colleagues were split… They were either…

5 mins read

4 Easy Steps to have The (Sex) Talk with your Kids

Does anyone else think kids today are growing up too fast? Its not that they are growing into responsibilities of adulthood or suddenly learning faster than the rest of us did, but the youth of America is becoming more and more mature as they become more and more overexposed. And while many of you are thinking about our culture teaching children new and exciting curse words or spreading violence, Ive noticed kids today are exposed most in matters concerning sex.