6 mins read

Interview 4 Inspiration- Rudy Wietfeldt- Therapist, Speaker, and Author

Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.

3 mins read

Anxiety Therapy for Children

If you have an anxious child, you have one who is fearful and typically nervous. Many times, anxious children are too embarrassed to tell you the real problem, so when you ask, they might be secretive and tell you they feel sick, tired, or even that they are fine. If you do nothing to help an anxious child, he might start avoiding situations that produce the anxiety, which can result in isolating behavior, skipping school or drug or alcohol abuse.

17 mins read

Meet the MILs: Which of These Mother-in-Law Types is Yours?

Let's face it, when you said "I do," you probably didn't realize you were also signing up for a lifelong subscription to MIL Magazine, complete with monthly issues filled with unsolicited advice, invasive questions, and the occasional guilt trip, courtesy of your brand new mother-in-law. For many, entering this uncharted territory can feel more like…

3 mins read

Autism and Dyspraxia

Autism and Dyspraxia What is dyspraxia? (I am no expert. This is info that I read recently and want to share what I think I learned.) Dyspraxia is also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or developmental dyspraxia. It is a chronic neurological disorder that typically begins in childhood. It can affect planning of movements…

5 mins read

Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…