Search Results for: therapist tips
Tips on Child Therapists
While some turmoil is part of the growing up game, other issues may require the assistance of a professional. If your child is dealing with issues with which you can not help him, seek the assistance of a professional therapist. To ensure that your child’s therapy sessions are optimally effective, take care when selecting a therapist, seeking a professional specifically suited to your child’s needs.
Anxious for Summer? 5 Tips for Parents of Children with Autism
Summer has arrived!!! While the majority of kids are happy to be free from the structure of school and are enjoying their free-time playing in the sunshine, our kids with autism are unsure of this freedom- leaving them to feel a bit anxious. Children with autism love structure and when their world as they know…
7 Tips for Having a Better Birth
My first son was born after a difficult 36 hours of labor. The labor was hard and fast, with protracted contractions 2-3 minutes apart and no more than 4 minutes apart for 30 hours.
Sex Enhancement Tips
Good sex is extremely important for all couples. Though your libido may ebb and flow over the years, you should aim to make sex a priority, because the physical intimacy can make you feel mentally and emotionally closer as well. Most people have to work at having a good sexual relationship, so don’t feel badly if your sex life isn’t exactly what you want.
Nanny 911: Child Care Tips for Kids With Autism
I dont know about all of you, but Ive had the best of times and the worst of times with child care. Its not like you can place a general ad or hire the first person off the street as if you were Wal-Mart.